Friday, January 1, 2016

Long Overdue

Well isn't this post long overdue... and I mean long... I was only in my second trimester in my last post! And now Maverick ("Smash") is three months old!

  • Maverick's pregnancy was quite different than Lincolns, but obviously similar in some ways. My hips caused me a ton of pain and some nights I could barely walk because they hurt so bad. I think he was lower because Lincoln had me stretched out already and my stretched out joints just couldn't handle the pressure. Overall it was a harder pregnancy with feeling sick in the beginning and fatigued throughout (most likely because I had a toddler in tow this time).
  • Maverick's Birth Story: Maverick was born on September 16th at 2:30 AM.  It was definitely a totally different experience than with Lincoln.  I started contractions at about 12:30 am. Andy and I had not even gone to bed when they started (we were up late just watching TV and relaxing). They intensified quite quickly and we kept holding off contacting his mom to come over (about two weeks earlier I had intense Braxton hicks and didn't want to go in and have them send me home even though this time I was 39 and a half weeks)... finally we called his mom and told her to come in about fifteen minutes. Those were the longest and most intense minutes, like bending over on the tips of my toes intense. Finally headed to the hospital we had to decide if I was going to walk to the er entrance or if he was going to drop me and meet me inside or got through the er ambulance entrance (our hospital was under construction and it being the middle of the night, only the er entrance was open). So he dropped me and I briskly walked to the entrance and waited by the doors going through maybe 3 contractions until Andy finally met up with me (I didn't want to go in without him). They asked me questions and wheeled me upstairs to the birthing center (Andy said I could walk up and I quickly said no... I needed a ride!). The receptionist had us check in and I was getting so irritated because I was in so much pain (Andy was making jokes too and I was not having it, he so didn't realize how far along I was!). Finally we were in an exam room, they asked me to change into a gown and give a urine sample.. um I changed into my gown and cried and kept asking why the nurse hadn't come in yet and said I couldn't go to the bathroom. Leaning over the bed the nurse came in and got me into the bed, I told her I was hurting bad. She check me and within thirty seconds would more nurses came and they wheeled me to a birthing room where at least three other nurses were. I kept asking for an epidural and repeatedly they told me it'd be too late by the time I got one and it wouldn't help. They told me if I needed to push I could and that we were just waiting for the doctor. The doc came in about a minute after that (only two minutes after Andy finally realized baby was coming... like now!). A couple pushes and out came Maverick like it was nothing! 8lbs, 3ounces, 2:20 am. We checked in to the hospital at 1:45am. I was in such disbelief and shock of how quick it happened that when they placed him on my chest my eyes were closed and the nurses and Andy had to tell me to open them! 
  • Maverick took his first plane ride on October 6th to Chicago... We went to Schaumburg for 3 weeks since I was in my best friend's wedding on the 10th and Andy was in a wedding for a friend from PT school on the 24th. We went to the zoo, to see great grandma, a train restaurant (Lincoln, Nana, and me), the aquarium (just Lincoln, my dad, and Andy), tons of hangouts with friends and countless wedding things. We celebrated my 28th birthday and the bigger event was Lincoln turned 2!  It was a great time, but super busy.  Even on days that were to be our "down" days we were walking two miles to and from the store to get ingredients for a quiche (ahem Andy's idea...).    I was so worn out by the end (I mean I just did have a baby!) and ready for some normalcy.
  • Since being back from that Andy returned to work (was working some days here and there those first couple of weeks with Maverick, but was off probably about 6 weeks). So Lincoln, Maverick, and I discovered our routine and groove at home without the extra help and fun of having Daddy around. Thanksgiving came quickly and went just as fast and we were on to celebrating Christmas.  We went to the lighted boat parade on the Columbia... picked and decorated a tree... saw the Living Nativity at Hillspring Church... and watched a ton of Christmas movies including countless showings of The Polar Express (Lincoln's favorite).  To celebrate Christmas we had Andy's parents over for a delicious lunch on Christmas Eve (Chicken Parmesan).  Then we went to church for the annual candlelight service.  On Christmas Day we did our normal of the Christmas story and this year the ENDLESS opening of Christmas gifts (Nana spoils her grandchildren!).  We then had friends from church over for dinner.  
  • We brought in the New Years at a friend's house and Lincoln stayed up for the whole thing!  He's a champ in staying up late, even without being TOO crabby the next day (we slept in until 8:30).  
So that's everything we missed in updating in a nutshell....

this just melts my heart

Do NOT sing Happy Birthday to this kid..

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Well I am now officially in my second trimester and boy has this pregnancy been different from the first.  I went through a lot of feelings of sickness (thankfully never throwing up), dizziness, and definitely feelings of exhaustion.  Now that I'm at the start of fourteen weeks, my energy level has picked up a bit, but not feeling good has come to visit me once again at night time.  We had one ultrasound so far at about 8 weeks.  Such a miracle and so unbelievable to witness.  We will have our next ultrasound in about 5 weeks, on April 20th and that's when we will find out if we are having a boy or a girl.
Lincoln is still keeping us on our toes.  He's so fun to be around and so full of energy.  We think he'll be talking soon because he's all full of babbles.  He also has started to mimic sounds.  His words include momma, dada, papa (this is probably one of the sweetest words he says, because he always seems to whisper it), Bu (for Buckley), and that's probably it.  He LOVES music and when there's music he LOVES to dance.  He like Thomas the Train, Curious George, and a bit of Daniel Tiger.  Sesame Street is still a favorite.  Big Bird being his all time fav.  (Disclaimer: He really doesn't watch a lot of TV, but TV watching kinda increased when I got pregnant)  He likes collecting rocks. Oh and he loves being a stinker!  And has the biggest cheesy grin you'd ever see.
We had a visit from my parents (Nana and Papa) a week ago.  It went by really fast but we so enjoyed having them around.  They got to see Lincoln in his element at the library during story time, we traveled to Portland and went to the zoo, the market, Powell Books, and just had fun being together.  Lincoln loved hanging out with his Nana and Papa and definitely got spoiled by them!

The Lions had a treat and had a water buffalo for a tasty meal

And Lincoln had an interesting sleeping position for one of his naps... 

 And to catch up on bump pictures... Here's to growing Baby Smash (Smash Iron Fist, as Andy likes it, but I just like Smash)

Linc and Big Bird wanted to sneak in